Dr. Nicoleta-Oana Rizescu

PhD in History (2004, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada)
M.A. in History (1999, University of Bucharest)
B.A. in History (1996, University of Bucharest)
B.A. in Psycho-pedagogy (2017, University of Bucharest)

Researcher at the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, where she has been working since 1996. She is a specialist in the critical editing of Romanian documents from the XVIIth century Wallachian principality and in the social and legal history of Romanian. Among her specific fields of interest there are various aspects of the relations between state and society in Romania, the evolution of institutions in Romania, the comparative history of European legal systems, the development of the devices of social care in Romania, the history of Romanian psychology and psychiatry, as well as broader issues related to the study of judicial psychology, psycho-linguistics, delinquency and repression, charitable institutions and special education.

She is the coordinator of the Group of Research for the History of Law at the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History.


Nicoleta-Oana Rizescu
Programul I “Surse, instrumente de lucru și istorie socială”
Academia Română, Institutul de Istorie „Nicolae Iorga”
Bd. Aviatorilor Nr. 1, București 011851
CV feb. 2024
Stăpânirea în istoria dreptului românesc. Continuitate şi schimbare în practicile socio-juridice şi în formele discursive privind proprietatea
Violenţă şi drept, 23 mai 2024

ultima actualizare:
2 iunie 2024